Oct 2007 to Jun 2009
22 chapters, 4 volumes
In Japan of the 16th century, a general, the samurai Saitou, decides to offer his daughter in marriage to the son of the shogun, Nobunaga. But one of his vassals, Mitsuhide, loves secretly this girl and to stay near her, disguises himself as a handmaid. On the road which leads them towards the lands of the future bridegroom, the convoy falls accidentally on the young Nobunaga. This meeting is nevertheless going to take a particular bend when the young man discovers that he loves passionnement.... Mitsuhide. (Source: Soleil Manga)[Written by MAL Rewrite]
Kanashi no Homura: Yumemaboroshi no Gotoku, 愛しの焔~ゆめまぼろしのごとく~
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