When an extraterrestrial organism known as "Savage" attacks mankind, the only technology capable of combating the enemy is a weapon known as “Hundred.” A survivor of a Savage attack, Hayato Kisaragi is a teenager boasting the highest compatibility level with the aforementioned technology and as a result, is invited to master his skills at Little Garden, a prestigious military academy aboard a battleship. Over the course of his intense training for the battle ahead, he immediately attracts the interest of multiple female peers and gets drawn into a number of incidents as he tries to fight against the creatures that now inhabit Earth and threaten its safety. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
Hundred, ハンドレッド, Hundred
2815 (1.4%)
4163 (2.1%)
7138 (3.6%)
14388 (7.3%)
29581 (15%)
46463 (23.6%)
48663 (24.7%)
23872 (12.1%)
10294 (5.2%)
9530 (4.8%)