Hiroki Nanami
Family Name
Given Name
Alternate Names
Agency: Andstir
Twitter: @hirokinanami773
Twitter (Staff): @hiroki773staff
Instagram: @hirokinanami773
Nickname: Kai
Height: 173cm
Blood type: O
Hometown: Higashi-ibaraki, Ibaraki Prefecture
Favorite food: fruit (especially mandarin oranges), curry, umeboshi
Favorite flower: calla lilies, baby's breath, roses
Favorite colors: black, blue, orange
Hobbies: reading, watching DVDs
Collections: anime DVD box sets
Special talent: playing the trumpet
Origin of stage name: thought of it with her family...
Agency: Andstir
Twitter: @hirokinanami773
Twitter (Staff): @hiroki773staff
Instagram: @hirokinanami773
Nickname: Kai
Height: 173cm
Blood type: O
Hometown: Higashi-ibaraki, Ibaraki Prefecture
Favorite food: fruit (especially mandarin oranges), curry, umeboshi
Favorite flower: calla lilies, baby's breath, roses
Favorite colors: black, blue, orange
Hobbies: reading, watching DVDs
Collections: anime DVD box sets
Special talent: playing the trumpet
Origin of stage name: thought of it with her family
Favorite Role: she loves all of the roles she's received, especially Wolfgang Mittermeyer from Legend of the Galactic Heroes @ Takarazuka and Victor Laszlo from the Casablanca shinjin kouen
Hiroki Nanami retired from the Takarazuka Revue in 2019 and three months later Nanami announced her signing with Andstir entertainment and the King Records music label.
She made her post-Takarazuka artist debut with the release of her first mini album, 'Galaxy', and an accompanying one-man live show with a four-concert run in Tokyo and Osaka. At the same time, she announced her post-Takarazuka seiyuu debut as Shizuno in Somali and the Forest Spirit.
On November 8, 2019, she was instated as a cultural ambassador for Ibaraki Prefecture.
Her first theatrical performance post-Takarazuka was the titular role of Red, in Red and Bear, an original musical.
In addition to her voiceover, theatrical, and musical work, Nanami currently hosts a weekly radio show on Tokyo FM, and a television program on the Takarazuka Revue’s television channel, Takarazuka Skystage.
Her dreams were to be Takarazuka actress and voice actress, which means both her dreams have come true.