Albion (アルビオン)


Age: Ageless
Eye Color: Blue
Rank: Heavenly Dragon
Race: Dragon
Sacred Gear: Divine Dividing (sealed)
First Appearance: Volume 3
Full name: Albion Gwiber (アルビオン・グウィバー)
Albion is one of the two Heavenly Dragons, and the arch-rival of Ddraig. Albion currently resides within the Longinus, Divine Dividing, wielded by Vali Lucifer. Like Ddraig, he is also feared among Angels, Fallen Angels, and Devils alike for his destructive powers, whom both are said to be able to kill both Gods an...
Age: Ageless
Eye Color: Blue
Rank: Heavenly Dragon
Race: Dragon
Sacred Gear: Divine Dividing (sealed)
First Appearance: Volume 3
Full name: Albion Gwiber (アルビオン・グウィバー)
Albion is one of the two Heavenly Dragons, and the arch-rival of Ddraig. Albion currently resides within the Longinus, Divine Dividing, wielded by Vali Lucifer. Like Ddraig, he is also feared among Angels, Fallen Angels, and Devils alike for his destructive powers, whom both are said to be able to kill both Gods and Satans.
In the past, previously known as Gwiber, Albion was an invincible Dragon and was notably feared for his venomous ability that can easily kill the likes of Gods. Due to this fearful power, he was always lonely and resented using it. Despite being overwhelmingly powerful, Albion was depressed due to having no equal to stand up against him, until he met his soon-to-be arch-rival: the [i]Welsh Dragon[\i] Ddraig, a being who was immune to his venom. Excited at the fact that there was an entity that could rival his power, Albion sealed his poison and soon resorted to becoming stronger through fighting his rival, eventually developing techniques such as Divide and Reflect - both dragons eventually became known as the Two Heavenly Dragons. During their many battles to improve themselves, both the Heavenly Dragons rampaged in the Realm of the Dead.
At one point in their heated rivalry, while Albion was fighting Ddraig, their battle was interrupted by the Angels, Devils, and Fallen Angels who were at war during the time. In anger, both Dragons attacked the leaders of the Three Factions, which led to their bodies being destroyed and their souls being sealed into two separate Sacred Gears, with Albion being placed inside the Sacred Gear, Divine Dividing.
Over the centuries, Albion has met with countless hosts possessing his Sacred Gear, some of whom have faced off against possessors hosting Ddraig's spirit to continue the Dragon's long-lasting rivalry, up until his current host; Vali Lucifer.
Albion is an enormous white western dragon described as having a beautiful pure white body, he has blue eyes, two golden horns, and unlike most western dragons, he has feathered wings.
Like Ddraig, Albion is based on the two warring dragons in Welsh mythology, with Albion based on the white dragon that represented England.
Powers & Abilities
(Source: High School DxD Wiki)