Rose Color: Red
Rose Bride: Kyouichi Saionji
Sword: Katana, Sword of Dios, Longsword
(Anime) Drive to Duel: To possess the power of the "World Revolution" simply for the sake of possessing power
Blood type: A
President of the Student Council, Touga is an arrogant and handsome young man whose desire to be powerful drives him to cruel and unscrupulous deeds. Although he says that he wishes to be noble, he has little empathy towards anyone, and his powers of manipulation are second only to Akio. H...
Rose Color: Red
Rose Bride: Kyouichi Saionji
Sword: Katana, Sword of Dios, Longsword
(Anime) Drive to Duel: To possess the power of the "World Revolution" simply for the sake of possessing power
Blood type: A
President of the Student Council, Touga is an arrogant and handsome young man whose desire to be powerful drives him to cruel and unscrupulous deeds. Although he says that he wishes to be noble, he has little empathy towards anyone, and his powers of manipulation are second only to Akio. He also shares his playboy attiude and has many female conquests. He is a childhood friend of Saionji, although their relationship took a turn for the worse at a point in their childhood that is the centerpiece of their respective personal journeys.
(Source: Wikipedia)