Name: Blue (Japanese ver.), Green (English ver.)
Age: 11 (RGB chapter), 13 (Yellow chapter), 14 (GSC chapter), 16 (FRLG chapter), 17 (Emerald chapter), 19 (HGSS chapter), 20 (ORAS chapter)
Birth date: June 1
Blood type: B
Current Team: Blastoise, Wigglytuff, Clefable, Ditto, Granbull, Nidoqueen
Blue is a sneaky, cunning, intelligent, but also very kind trainer. She often uses her looks to her advantage, but is also a very skilled battler. At the start of her journey, she stole a Squirtle from P...
Name: Blue (Japanese ver.), Green (English ver.)
Age: 11 (RGB chapter), 13 (Yellow chapter), 14 (GSC chapter), 16 (FRLG chapter), 17 (Emerald chapter), 19 (HGSS chapter), 20 (ORAS chapter)
Birth date: June 1
Blood type: B
Current Team: Blastoise, Wigglytuff, Clefable, Ditto, Granbull, Nidoqueen
Blue is a sneaky, cunning, intelligent, but also very kind trainer. She often uses her looks to her advantage, but is also a very skilled battler. At the start of her journey, she stole a Squirtle from Professor Oak, and encounters Red and Green many times as she travels Kanto in the RGB chapter.