Sakuya Kumashiro is a girl Tenchi meets shortly after moving to Tokyo. She is a normal high school student who attends the same school as Tenchi.
Circumstances beyond her control often put her and Tenchi in strange situations.
As the only relatively normal girl in Tenchi's life, he soon falls for her, pulling her into the crazy life of the Tenchi girls.
Yugi holds an interest in Sakuya, and often manipulates situations forcing Sakuya into close contact situations with Tenchi.
Later in the s...
Sakuya Kumashiro is a girl Tenchi meets shortly after moving to Tokyo. She is a normal high school student who attends the same school as Tenchi.
Circumstances beyond her control often put her and Tenchi in strange situations.
As the only relatively normal girl in Tenchi's life, he soon falls for her, pulling her into the crazy life of the Tenchi girls.
Yugi holds an interest in Sakuya, and often manipulates situations forcing Sakuya into close contact situations with Tenchi.
Later in the series, Sakuya realizes that she can not remember her past before she met Tenchi. Together, they choose to make new memories instead.