The main villain, the wicked principal of the Academy, who dresses in a fearsome white demon mask and jester hood. He is extremely perverted and obtains satisfaction from sexually humiliating the female student body, especially Mayumi Takahashi. This often brings him into conflict with Kekko Kamen, whose secret identity he wishes to uncover. To accomplish this, he brings out various punishment councillors to publicly humiliate Takahashi, using her as bait to bring the naked warrior of justice ou...
The main villain, the wicked principal of the Academy, who dresses in a fearsome white demon mask and jester hood. He is extremely perverted and obtains satisfaction from sexually humiliating the female student body, especially Mayumi Takahashi. This often brings him into conflict with Kekko Kamen, whose secret identity he wishes to uncover. To accomplish this, he brings out various punishment councillors to publicly humiliate Takahashi, using her as bait to bring the naked warrior of justice out in the open.
(Source: Wikipedia)