Almost the complete opposite of Kaho, Ai was brought up with humble surroundings and a loud personality. She is also Kotaro's best friend and next-door neighbor. She may be a huge sports fan, but she's also extremely clumsy, and has a tendency to have dizzy spells. Running the family fish shop with her father has given her an eagerness to help others, but at the same time she's easily taken advantage of by others. She's also very emotional, and can quickly change to laughter, tears and back very...
Almost the complete opposite of Kaho, Ai was brought up with humble surroundings and a loud personality. She is also Kotaro's best friend and next-door neighbor. She may be a huge sports fan, but she's also extremely clumsy, and has a tendency to have dizzy spells. Running the family fish shop with her father has given her an eagerness to help others, but at the same time she's easily taken advantage of by others. She's also very emotional, and can quickly change to laughter, tears and back very quickly. She is also shown to have feelings for Kotaro. She easily gets jealous when Kaho is mentioned with him but she tries not to show it.