Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Black
Height: 5'8
Likes: Ouka Sayama
Dislikes: Big breasts
Chifusa's brother, whom she initially admires greatly. He is the chief Manyuu Breast Inspector because of his great, natural ability to analyze them. It is because of this job that he despises large breasts, since he claims that after years of staring and analyzing them he has grown tired of them.
After Chifusa's defection, his darker side comes up, revealing that he is as ruthless as his father and is wil...
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Black
Height: 5'8
Likes: Ouka Sayama
Dislikes: Big breasts
Chifusa's brother, whom she initially admires greatly. He is the chief Manyuu Breast Inspector because of his great, natural ability to analyze them. It is because of this job that he despises large breasts, since he claims that after years of staring and analyzing them he has grown tired of them.
After Chifusa's defection, his darker side comes up, revealing that he is as ruthless as his father and is willing to go to brutal lengths to preserve Manyu rule. It is implied that he is either in love with or holds certain feelings for Ouka.
(Source: Wikipedia & Manyuu Hikenchou Wiki)