Kyouko is a veteran magical girl who comes to the city later in the story. A girl with red-colored long hair and an equally fiery personality to match. Amusingly, she is always seen eating something, even while she is battling. Having grown up in a poor family, she often has to steal food and hates people who waste it, a logic she also applies to Grief Seeds, as she only goes after fully grown witches.
Kyouko has been a Puella Magi much longer than the others, and thus is more skillful; she wie...
Kyouko is a veteran magical girl who comes to the city later in the story. A girl with red-colored long hair and an equally fiery personality to match. Amusingly, she is always seen eating something, even while she is battling. Having grown up in a poor family, she often has to steal food and hates people who waste it, a logic she also applies to Grief Seeds, as she only goes after fully grown witches.
Kyouko has been a Puella Magi much longer than the others, and thus is more skillful; she wields a spear which can extend itself, split into multiple sections, and produce a ball at the end of a chain, which can constrict and hit others at the same time. She also has the ability to put up barriers to protect others or keep them from interfering. She initially clashes with Sayaka, but after learning the truth about Soul Gems, she sympathizes with her and tries to help her.
Regarding's the wish Kyouko made before becoming a Puella Magi:
Regarding her relationship with Sayaka:
In the third drama CD:
In The Different Story manga: