A somewhat strange and exceedingly optimistic student who always sees everything in the single most positive light possible: the polar opposite of Nozomu, who sees only the dark side of things and is constantly in despair. She often has bizarre, childishly optimistic explanations for grim situations, calling suicide by hanging "becoming taller" and the act of stalking "deep love." She enjoys giving whimsical nicknames to people (much to their annoyance), and has a strange obsession with aliens. ...
A somewhat strange and exceedingly optimistic student who always sees everything in the single most positive light possible: the polar opposite of Nozomu, who sees only the dark side of things and is constantly in despair. She often has bizarre, childishly optimistic explanations for grim situations, calling suicide by hanging "becoming taller" and the act of stalking "deep love." She enjoys giving whimsical nicknames to people (much to their annoyance), and has a strange obsession with aliens. Once she turned in a briefcase full of money to the police.