Birthday: December 25
Taishi, he is not An otaku, he is THE otaku.
A loud and very eager friend of the main character, he is very fond of fan comics and is the one to get the main character started with drawing fan comics.
He is normally in a light brown suit, or his school uniform and a pair of orange glasses.
He is always talking about world conquest and how all the bad things that happen is a part of his great plan.
He is also the founder of "Brothers 2" the fan comic club which the main ...
Birthday: December 25
Taishi, he is not An otaku, he is THE otaku.
A loud and very eager friend of the main character, he is very fond of fan comics and is the one to get the main character started with drawing fan comics.
He is normally in a light brown suit, or his school uniform and a pair of orange glasses.
He is always talking about world conquest and how all the bad things that happen is a part of his great plan.
He is also the founder of "Brothers 2" the fan comic club which the main character is also a part of.