The main antagonist in Karakuri no Kimi.
Sadayoshi Karimata is a Sengoku warlord who destroyed the Ayawatari clan, obtained their secrets about Karakuri dolls and quickly gained great military power.
Using Hisashige Ayawatari's puppeteering techniques, Sadayoshi created the "Deathless Ninjas", an army of murderous puppets that haunt his opponents. He even gained superhuman streght by merging himself with Hasashige's unfinished masterpiece, the "Living Doll". Sadayoshi rules with oppression in...
The main antagonist in Karakuri no Kimi.
Sadayoshi Karimata is a Sengoku warlord who destroyed the Ayawatari clan, obtained their secrets about Karakuri dolls and quickly gained great military power.
Using Hisashige Ayawatari's puppeteering techniques, Sadayoshi created the "Deathless Ninjas", an army of murderous puppets that haunt his opponents. He even gained superhuman streght by merging himself with Hasashige's unfinished masterpiece, the "Living Doll". Sadayoshi rules with oppression in his territory, and forcibly kidnaps children to use their flesh in the manufacture of his murderous puppets, transforming his castle into a true hell on earth.