A gynoid stationed on the moon of Gaia. She was tasked by the ancient civilization that built her to monitor the world below and make sure no one ever abuses the Angolmois Energy within. This monotonous existence of watching and reporting is made more endurable by the company of her partner Moon, even if Artemis ends up bonking him with her hammer for his off-hand comments.
Artemis has a soft spot for cool guys, developing crushes on Scuba and Starscream. Though neither Transformer knows that s...
A gynoid stationed on the moon of Gaia. She was tasked by the ancient civilization that built her to monitor the world below and make sure no one ever abuses the Angolmois Energy within. This monotonous existence of watching and reporting is made more endurable by the company of her partner Moon, even if Artemis ends up bonking him with her hammer for his off-hand comments.
Artemis has a soft spot for cool guys, developing crushes on Scuba and Starscream. Though neither Transformer knows that she even exists.
(Source: tfwiki.net)