Raiden, also known as "Big Bear", is a character from the Fatal Fury and The King of Fighters series who originally appeared in Fatal Fury: King of Fighters. His official nickname is "The Out-of-Control Giant" (制御不能の巨人).
Raiden is an Australian professional wrestler known for his ruthlessness in the ring. He is very strong and is known to manhandle his opponents. He moved to South Town to get involved with strong fights. He was eventually hired by Geese Howard as one of his henchmen. He entered...
Raiden, also known as "Big Bear", is a character from the Fatal Fury and The King of Fighters series who originally appeared in Fatal Fury: King of Fighters. His official nickname is "The Out-of-Control Giant" (制御不能の巨人).
Raiden is an Australian professional wrestler known for his ruthlessness in the ring. He is very strong and is known to manhandle his opponents. He moved to South Town to get involved with strong fights. He was eventually hired by Geese Howard as one of his henchmen. He entered The King of Fighters tournament created by Geese, but was eventually defeated by Andy Bogard. He eventually chose to redeem himself under his face persona.