Grovyle is a bipedal Pokémon similar in appearance to a theropod dinosaur. It is primarily green with a red underside. There is a belt-like green stripe across its belly. Grovyle's hands have two clawed fingers and powerful legs with birdlike feet. Its well-developed muscles make it an expert climber and allow it to leap quickly from branch to branch. Grovyle has three long leaves on its wrists, a large leaf on top of its head, and two tails that have a leafy appearance. This leafy appearance al...
Grovyle is a bipedal Pokémon similar in appearance to a theropod dinosaur. It is primarily green with a red underside. There is a belt-like green stripe across its belly. Grovyle's hands have two clawed fingers and powerful legs with birdlike feet. Its well-developed muscles make it an expert climber and allow it to leap quickly from branch to branch. Grovyle has three long leaves on its wrists, a large leaf on top of its head, and two tails that have a leafy appearance. This leafy appearance allows it to be camouflaged in the forests where it lives.
Grovyle evolves from and evolves into .
(Source: Bulbapedia)
Voice Actors

Delhausse, Jean-Marc
Terasoma, Masaki
Green, Dan
Ueda, Yuuji
Dunstan, Darren
Rogers, Bill