Birthday: September 3
Species: Yuki-Onna
Height: 181 cm
Himuro is the descendant of a yuki-onna (snow woman). In his daily life, he spends a lot of time working and socializing with his co-worker Fuyutsuki.
As the descendant of a yuki-onna, Himuro freezes things surrounding him when he feels certain emotions. Even though his surroundings are always cold, Himuro is a warm and kind person. He likes flowers and cats, but he can't get too close to either of them.
Himuro means "icehouse, cold room...
Birthday: September 3
Species: Yuki-Onna
Height: 181 cm
Himuro is the descendant of a yuki-onna (snow woman). In his daily life, he spends a lot of time working and socializing with his co-worker Fuyutsuki.
As the descendant of a yuki-onna, Himuro freezes things surrounding him when he feels certain emotions. Even though his surroundings are always cold, Himuro is a warm and kind person. He likes flowers and cats, but he can't get too close to either of them.
Himuro means "icehouse, cold room/ice room" (氷室).
(Source: Koori Zokusei Danshi to Cool na Douryou Joshi Wiki)