Akari Tokitou is a naïve, carefree, happy-go-lucky girl. She cares strongly for , and demonstrates this by constantly trying to protect her. During the process of being summoned into Menou's world, Akari is assigned the Pure Concept of Time (which is initially improperly attached to her soul).
Although usually unaware of it, she is virtually unkillable due to her ability. Akari has strongly hinted that prior to being summoned, she has had a rather lonely life in Japan which has caused her to e...
Akari Tokitou is a naïve, carefree, happy-go-lucky girl. She cares strongly for , and demonstrates this by constantly trying to protect her. During the process of being summoned into Menou's world, Akari is assigned the Pure Concept of Time (which is initially improperly attached to her soul).
Although usually unaware of it, she is virtually unkillable due to her ability. Akari has strongly hinted that prior to being summoned, she has had a rather lonely life in Japan which has caused her to embrace being in Menou's world.
When Akari has her memories of past regressions, she is a very capable user of her Pure Concept. She is not well trained as a fighter though, and in combat is forced to rely on her power completely.
She decides to go on a journey with Menou because she believes meeting her was fate. However, Menou is trying to find a way to kill her. Usually Akari is unaware of this, but in emergencies she gains back her memories from previous regressions. Her goal is to be killed by Menou while keeping her alive. After the emergency has been resolved, Akari uses Regression: Memories, Soul and Spirit on herself to erase her knowledge of the past time loops.
(Source: The Executioner and Her Way of Life Wiki)