Major in the Military Police of the Imperial Japanese Army. Not ranked as a vampire. Formerly attached to the Imperial Embassy in the UK, he has a long title. He is an arrogant, small man, an elite graduate of the Military Academy, and he is proud of it. He is a high-ranking bureaucrat and a jerk. However, he and Kurusu become infected while escorting a vampire infected with the V-virus, and because the source of the infection was an unranked vampire, he himself becomes unranked. It's a quick fa...
Major in the Military Police of the Imperial Japanese Army. Not ranked as a vampire. Formerly attached to the Imperial Embassy in the UK, he has a long title. He is an arrogant, small man, an elite graduate of the Military Academy, and he is proud of it. He is a high-ranking bureaucrat and a jerk. However, he and Kurusu become infected while escorting a vampire infected with the V-virus, and because the source of the infection was an unranked vampire, he himself becomes unranked. It's a quick fall from elite status. In a way, he is a charming vampire. He is below average in every way, including muscle strength and instantaneous power, but he has a special ability that only he possesses. He has a stigmata on his wrist. He has a very loving wife, Tomiko.