Hikage Tenma is a student from Kanazawakita Kita High School and a member of its sumo club. He has won the title of Middle School Yokozuna in his third year. In high school he lead Kanazawakita Kita High School to third place in tag team bouts during his first year. He won the the title of High School Yokozuna during individual bouts in his first year. He conquered the All-Japan Championship acquiring a Tsukedashi qualification. After graduating High School he joined Suzugatake Stable, to which ...
Hikage Tenma is a student from Kanazawakita Kita High School and a member of its sumo club. He has won the title of Middle School Yokozuna in his third year. In high school he lead Kanazawakita Kita High School to third place in tag team bouts during his first year. He won the the title of High School Yokozuna during individual bouts in his first year. He conquered the All-Japan Championship acquiring a Tsukedashi qualification. After graduating High School he joined Suzugatake Stable, to which his brother used to belong.
"I will throw myself into any kind of hell, in order to become strong, in order to become the yokozuna...!!"
—Hikage Tenma
(Source: Hinomaru Zumou Wiki)