Siegrune, or more commonly referred to as Rune, is a strong willed warrior of the Wolf Clan, thus giving her some personality traits that come off as somewhat stubborn in some situations, but she is also extremely loyal and protective of those she cares about.
She has silver hair and red eyes, and a slender but toned physique which is the result of her many hours of hard work training her body for battle She often carries around her weapon and wears clothes which are fitting of the people in Y...
Siegrune, or more commonly referred to as Rune, is a strong willed warrior of the Wolf Clan, thus giving her some personality traits that come off as somewhat stubborn in some situations, but she is also extremely loyal and protective of those she cares about.
She has silver hair and red eyes, and a slender but toned physique which is the result of her many hours of hard work training her body for battle She often carries around her weapon and wears clothes which are fitting of the people in Yggdrasil.
She is especially protective of her sworn father Yuuto Suou. She did not approve of him at first due to him being physically weaker than most wolf clan warriors, but as time goes on and she sees his battle prowess along side his kind well mannered way of living, she begins to develop feelings for him.
She is also one of the Einherjars, which is a group of magic wielding warriors. They posses runes which give them certain superhuman abilities varying from enhanced physical strength to actual magic. She fights with a katana which was a gift from Yuuto.
(Source: Hyakuren no Haou to Seiyaku no Valkyria Wiki)