Faputa is the so-called "Princess of the Narehate" of the Narehate Village Ilblu within the inviolable 6th layer of The Abyss. She is described by Kajya as "the embodiment of value," and is incredibly highly regarded by all the Narehate in the village. Unlike all the citizens of the village, she can leave any time she wants and go wherever she pleases.
Although being beloved by the Narehate of the village, she is often irritated or angry according to Majikajya, and she seems to greatly dislike ...
Faputa is the so-called "Princess of the Narehate" of the Narehate Village Ilblu within the inviolable 6th layer of The Abyss. She is described by Kajya as "the embodiment of value," and is incredibly highly regarded by all the Narehate in the village. Unlike all the citizens of the village, she can leave any time she wants and go wherever she pleases.
Although being beloved by the Narehate of the village, she is often irritated or angry according to Majikajya, and she seems to greatly dislike being observed. The Narehate in Ilblu freak her out a bit, especially the ones with lots of eyes.
She speaks in a simplistic and primitive manner, referring to herself in third person, and communicating only with short sentences that are sometimes hard to understand. She is very possessive and seemingly quite jealous, claiming Reg to be of her property entirely, and feels entitled to examine him thoroughly without any indication of shame or restraint.
(Source: Made in Abyss Wiki, edited)