Candidate pilot. The protagonist and a slacker, 16 years old, despite coming from an elite class pilot family, Mikaze initially had no interest in becoming a pilot and was an underachiever. However, she learns later the importance of piloting. She struggles to realise her dreams as a Comet Blaster, having to start off at the bottom of the ladder- Meteor Sweeper. She is allocated to Shimoji Island Base, an airforce base that is used to combat the menace of falling meteors. Accompanied by her frie...
Candidate pilot. The protagonist and a slacker, 16 years old, despite coming from an elite class pilot family, Mikaze initially had no interest in becoming a pilot and was an underachiever. However, she learns later the importance of piloting. She struggles to realise her dreams as a Comet Blaster, having to start off at the bottom of the ladder- Meteor Sweeper. She is allocated to Shimoji Island Base, an airforce base that is used to combat the menace of falling meteors. Accompanied by her friends- Shizuha Doi, Ayamo Nakamura and Karin Kikuhara- Mikaze will do more than just save the world: she will uncover a obscure government secret and save her friends.
(Source: Wikipedia)